

The number of teens abusing prescription drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is troubling. The motivations for abusing these drugs are often noble: Teens want to be able to stay up longer to study or to get a paper finished, for example.  Most drug abuse occurs because the substance produces euphoric effects for the […]

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Prescription Drugs Poisoning Our Children

Category: News   Tags: , prescription drug overdose More Americans are taking prescription drugs for both legitimate and illegitimate purposes. As use has increased so have emergency room visits for accidental poisonings of children caused by ingesting prescription drugs. Research recently published in the Journal of Pediatrics shows that calls to poison control centers for pharmaceutical exposures rose

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Currently Browing heroin

Description: Painkiller Abusers Turning Into Heroin Addicts Category: News   Tags: heroin, prescription painkiller abuse The epidemic of prescription painkiller abuse has been going on for decades. As doctors overprescribed these highly addictive narcotics, millions of people succumbed to a dependence on them. Some did so by intentionally abusing the medications of others, while many people

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Legitimate Opioid Prescriptions Can Be First Step on Road to Drug Addiction

Category: Facts   Tags: , painkiller abuse, prescription drug abuse prevention Most Americans are all too familiar with the brand names of powerful prescription painkillers. Drugs like Percocet, Dilaudid, OxyContin and Vicodin are so well known that patients frequently ask for them by name. Many patients facing discomfort will do whatever it takes and consume whatever

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Urban vs. Rural? Where Is Abuse of Prescription Drugs Highest?

Category: News   Tags: , prescription drug abuse prevention, Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse The epidemic surrounding the nonmedical use of prescription drugs continues to be a concern of physicians, pharmacists and law enforcement specialists. Understanding the trends that surround the use of prescription drugs for recreation is critical for reducing the misuse of the drugs.

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Opioid Overdose Prevention Programs Save Lives

Category: News   Tags: , painkiller abuse, prescription drug abuse prevention, prescription drug overdose Opioid overdose prevention programs (OOPPs) are organized, community-centered efforts designed to decrease the chances that people who abuse opioid narcotic drugs or medications will die of an overdose. These programs have gained increasing popularity across the U.S., partly in response to the

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The Dangers Teens Face When Using Non-Prescribed Stimulants

Category: Facts   Tags: , ADHD medication abuse, study drugs, teen prescription drug abuse Prescription stimulants are in great demand to treat the symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and a couple of other mental disorders, but they are also in great demand among students who want help improving their grades. Teens and young

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