
Teens Get Prescription Drugs From Friends, Family

Category: Facts   Tags: , prescription drug abuse prevention, prescription drug disposal, teen prescription drug abuse The American prescription abuse epidemic affects all age groups but has perhaps hit teens the worst. More than 2,000 teens try abusing prescription drugs for the first time every day, and a large percentage of them quickly develop an addiction. […]

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National Drug Take-Back Day on April 27 Allows for Safe Disposal of Old Medications

Category: News   Tags: , prescription drug abuse prevention, prescription drug disposal, teen prescription drug abuse The DEA’s National Take-Back Initiative, National Take-Back Day, set for April 27, is the perfect time to dispose of your unused or unwanted prescription medications. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, people have properly disposed of more than 2 million

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Study Helps Understanding of Prescription Drug Abuse by College Students

Category: News   Tags: , prescription drug abuse prevention, prescription painkiller abuse The pattern of drug use initiation is changing. Teens that experiment with drugs are likely to be introduced to drug use through the misuse of prescription drugs rather than responding to offers of cocaine or heroin. While traditional street drugs are still popular, prescription

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How to Prevent Teen Prescription Drug Abuse

Category: Facts   Tags: , prescription drug abuse prevention, teen prescription drug abuse The misuse of prescription drugs has become a popular trend among American teens. Many begin using because they assume that prescription medications are a safer way to get high when compared with street drugs. Experts caution that prescription drugs are extremely dangerous to

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Safely Dispose of Drugs During National Take-Back Day April 28

Category: News   Tags: , prescription drug disposal Maybe you missed the previous events, scheduled days when the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) took back all kinds of unused and unwanted prescription drugs at various locations across the country. Well, there’s another event coming up the end of this month, the 4th National Take-Back Day scheduled for

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Malleable Tweens Will Listen to Parents’ Advice About Drugs

Category: News   Tags: , influences, parenting, prescription drug abuse prevention Middle school represents an awkward and difficult transition time. These youths are no longer in grammar school. They are not little kids. But they are not yet teenagers either. They are in-between child and teenager, hence the term “tween.” Not only are tweens confused about

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Could Stronger Opioid Warning Labels Deter Teen Abuse?

Category: News   Tags: , prescription drug abuse prevention, prescription painkiller abuse The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is pushing for new labeling on prescription drugs. Of particular concern to the FDA are painkilling prescription medications with extended time release formulas. The proposal comes on the heels of numerous deaths and near-death overdoses related to

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